Monday, February 7, 2011

February Spotlight - Kathy Howard

This month, our interview is with cancer survivor, Kathy Howard. We love to see Kathy's smiling face at our meetings each month, and it was wonderful to get to know her better - hope you enjoy the interview...

Sister Survivors: "What were you diagnosed with, and what treatments did you have? Who were your doctors? "

Kathy: "The original diagnoses in 2001 was stage 4 breast cancer. Recurrent breast cancer in 2008. In 2001 8 doses of Taxol and Adriamycin. In April of 2002 I went through a High Dosage Chemo with Stem Cell rescue, followed with 6.5 weeks of radiation. 2008 8 doses of Cytoxan and Taxotere. My doctors were Barry McKenzie from Springfield, Oregon. Richard Maziarz from Portland, Oregon. Wendy Breyer from American Fork.

Sister Survivors: "How did your cancer diagnosis affect your family and friends?"

Kathy: "They were in shock, denial, and very supportive."

Sister Survivors: "What was the hardest thing you had to go through during your cancer journey? What helped get you through it?"

Kathy: "The hardest part to me was explaining everything to my daughter who was 5 years old at the time. She didn't know what was happening and at times didn't even recognize me. The support and love of my family gave me the strength to fight and helped me get through it."

Sister Survivors: "How did your cancer diagnosis change your life?"

Kathy: "Physically I will never be as strong as I was before all the chemo and drugs. I miss not being able to do some of the activities I enjoyed doing. Mentally I now have "chemo brain" and hope for the best each day.

Sister Survivors: "What did you learn during your cancer journey?"

Kathy: "I realized life is too precious to take for granted. You have to live each day to the fullest. Enjoy your family and friends!! Never ask the question "Why Me", just accept what has happened and concentrate on beating the odds."

Sister Survivors: "What have you changed as a result of your cancer diagnosis?"

Kathy: "Let the little things in life stay little. Don't make a big deal out of stuff. Changed my diet to a much healthier one."

Sister Survivors: "Do you have a favorite book or quote or song that became meaningful to you during your cancer journey?"

Kathy: "Songs by Reba McIntire "I am a survivor" and "I'll be"

Sister Survivors: "What advice would you give to a woman who is newly diagnosed with breast cancer?"

Kathy: "Have a positive attitude and never ask the question "Why Me". Never give up."

Sister Survivors: "What advice would you give to friends and family of a newly diagnosed breast cancer patient?"

Kathy: "You will probably never understand what your loved one is going through, but be very supportive and listen. They will always need a shoulder. Listen to everything that is being said by the doctors, because once you are told you have cancer everything else is a blur. Always be positive even when things seem really bad.

Sister Survivors: "Finish this sentence… “I am a…"

Kathy: "Fighter and I said from day 1 when I got the diagnosis that I was not going to let this disease beat me!!!"