Tuesday, April 12, 2011


We are please to introduce Sister Survivor member, Denise Angelo. We love Denise - she adds so much to our meetings. She has a knack for winning the give-away! And, she graciously donated items to our auction last year. If you haven't met Denise yet, make sure you look for her at one of our support meetings. Enjoy reading about Denise...

Sister Survivors: "What were you diagnosed with, and what treatments did you have? Who were your doctors?"

Denise: "My diagnoses was Stage 1 breast cancer--right side only--in 2 places--for safety and surety I had a mastectomy--then total hysterectomy because the cancer was estrogen driven--no chemo or radiation--5 years of Femara. Doctors are Tittensor, Bishop, Wallentein, Thorpe."

Sister Survivors: "How did your cancer diagnosis affect your family and friends?"

Denise: "Mixture of emotions. But, when they realized that I wasn't going to let this illness win--everyone has been great!"

Sister Survivors: "What was the hardest thing you had to go through during your cancer journey? What helped get you through it?"

Denise: "Change in sleep habits due to hot flashes--also, mental changes--forgetfulness, etc. Medication helped some with the hot flashes. Love and support helped lots!"

Sister Survivors: "How did your cancer diagnosis change your life?"

Denise: "Because I had family history on both sides of my family--the diagnosis didn't come as a complete shock--plus we got the cancer way early--which is such a blessing. I have always loved life--but, now I appreciate life and health and family and friends--even more."

Sister Survivors: "What did you learn during your cancer journey?"

Denise: "That I am really loved." :O)

Sister Survivors: "What have you changed as a result of your cancer diagnosis?"

Denise: "My personal fears of the "C" word--I used to fear the word and the unknown that is associated with cancer--now I know that cancer is truly just a word not a sentence."

Sister Survivors: "Do you have a favorite book or quote or song that became meaningful to you during your cancer journey?"

Denise: "Quote - "It is what it is"--My Aunt Barb was diagnosed with ovarian cancer @ the same time--she and I supported each other and both came through with flying colors."

Sister Survivors: "What advice would you give to a woman who is newly diagnosed with breast cancer?"

Denise: "You are not alone. It can be scary--but, act on it--get rid of it."

Sister Survivors: "What advice would you give to friends and family of a newly diagnosed breast cancer patient?"

Denise: "Don't be afraid to be there for the patient."

Sister Survivors: "Finish this sentence… “I am a…”

Denise: "Survivor!"

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